[Haskell-cafe] The Proliferation of List-Like Types

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Wed Feb 20 10:17:55 EST 2008

> Now, to help solve this problem, I wrote ListLike[2], providing a
> set of typeclasses that make list operations generic.  I also provided
> default instances of ListLike for:
>  ListLike Data.ByteString.ByteString Word8
>  ListLike Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString Word8
>  ListLike [a] a
>  (Integral i, Ix i) => ListLike (Array i e) e
>  (Ord key, Eq val) => ListLike (Map key val) (key, val)

It's a multi-parameter type class, right? So it's difficult to push it to 
the core.

> Now, the questions:
> 1) Does everyone agree with me that we have a problem here?

I agree.

> 2) Would it make sense to make ListLike, or something like it,
>   part of the Haskell core?

Somehow yes. However since the 'base' package is constantly split into 
smaller parts, there is maybe no need to merge it somewhere, but introduce 
simply new package dependencies.

> 3) Would it make sense to base as much code as possible in the Haskell
>   core areound ListLike definitions?  Here I think of functions such
>   as lines and words, which make sense both on [Char] as well as
>   ByteStrings.
> 4) We are missing one final useful type: a Word32-based ByteString.
>   When working in the Unicode character set, a 32-bit character
>   can indeed be useful, and I could see situations in which the
>   performance benefit of a ByteString-like implementation could
>   be useful combared to [Char].

StorableVector should fill this gap.

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