Gtk2Hs 0.9.12 release candidate 1 available for testing

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Wed Jul 4 11:33:22 EDT 2007


The first release candidate for Gtk2Hs 0.9.12 is now available.
(The actual version number is

The source tarball and windows installer are available:
(md5sum 72ae779f8d12c6013787cc735272f723)
(md5sum e1be8f38d33d76492c078cb66a790db1)

Changes since 0.9.11: 
      * ps, pdf and svg cairo backends are now supported 
      * drag & drop support added 
      * can run mainGUI in GHCi after :reload 
      * Graphics.SOE.Gtk now works with threaded rts and GHCi 
      * Windows build now includes OpenGL and SourceView packages 
      * c2hs no longer chokes on some system headers (eg glibc-2.4) 
      * various bug fixes and minor code cleanups 
      * major overhaul of the code generator (will help binding

Please test this on your platform and report success or failures to the
gtk2hs-users list. Reports for less common platforms, processors
architectures and older versions of GHC and Gtk+ are particularly

This release has seen less churn than most, so we expect relatively few
build issues. We're expecting more significant changes in the next major
release, including support for the new features in Gtk+ 2.10 and 2.12, a
simplified signals and properties api which should make for considerably
simpler documentation. In the long term we also expect to modularise
Gtk2Hs and build each component using Cabal.

For testing this release, try building, installing and then run:
make installcheck

This should build all the demo programs that are appropriate for your
configuration. Running a selection of them would be good. Then if you
have any other programs that use Gtk2Hs then testing those with this new
release would be good.

Windows notes:
The installer expects GHC 6.6.1. (As always if you need a build
for a different version of GHC then that's possible by building from
source.) If anyone thinks we should include support for older versions
of GHC in the windows installer (eg 6.4.2 or 6.6) then to say so. For
example the last Gtk2Hs release included support for both 6.4.2 and 6.6.

The windows build now includes the gtkglext and sourceview packages, but
not svgcairo as that has pretty heavy dependencies. This makes the
download a bit bigger, but on the other hand currently it includes
support for only one GHC version, so overall the installer is rather
smaller than in the last release.


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