Interfacing to OLE/COM: HaskellDirect the only game in town?

shelarcy shelarcy at
Thu May 25 12:24:13 EDT 2006

Oh, I forgot to sebd this mail for this list.

On Wed, 24 May 2006 18:28:01 +0900, Simon Marlow
<simonmarhaskell at> wrote:
> It has bitrotted to some extent.  In Visual Haskell we use  
> HaskellDirect-generated interfaces with a lot of hacking by hand to make  
> it work, I don't believe we can re-generate the source files from IDL  
> any more.

Hmm.  Before I read this mail, I think you change only non-generated source
files. So If I write better Setup.(l)hs file or, add H/Direct's ihc and
apply different
option file by file support, I can made newer cabalised version HDirect
package -
just replace source files.

Anyway, I think that ihc - an IDL compiler for Haskell - support for Cabal
is useful.
So I send mail, this time.

I already made initial that ... but if make buildable Haskell source file,
I have to
use different option one by one, like this;

= lib/Makefile =
WideString_IHC_OPTS  += -fno-imports -fno-export-lists -fkeep-hresult
PointerPrim_IHC_OPTS += -fkeep-hresult -fout-pointers-are-not-refs

= comlib/Makefile =
AutoPrim_IHC_OPTS    += -fno-imports -fno-export-lists -fhs-to-c
-fno-overload-variant -fout-pointers-are-not-refs
ComPrim_IHC_OPTS     += -fno-imports -fno-export-lists
WideString_IHC_OPTS  += -fno-imports -fno-export-lists -fkeep-hresult
PointerPrim_IHC_OPTS += -fkeep-hresult -fout-pointers-are-not-refs
StdTypes_IHC_OPTS    += -fno-export-list -fno-gen-variant-instances
-fout-pointers-are-not-refs --gen-headers
SafeArray_IHC_OPTS   += -fhs-to-c -fno-export-lists --gen-headers
-fout-pointers-are-not-refs --gen-headers
TypeLib_IHC_OPTS     += -fno-export-list -fappend-interface-short-name
-fno-overload-variant --gen-headers
Connection_IHC_OPTS  += -fappend-interface-short-name

and I didn't support this feature yet.

If you use atttached hdirect.cabal file, after applied
cabal-ihc-support.patch for darcs
repository, you can see compile error from generated file.

Does anyone have good idea?

shelarcy <shelarcy>
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