[Haskell-iPhone] Here's exactly how to build the master-merge-ios branch

Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone] likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com
Thu Mar 28 13:55:20 CET 2013


Here is the exact procedure I just did to successfully build the GHC-iOS 
cross compiler:

git clone git at github.com:ghc-ios/ghc.git ghc-ios
cd ghc-ios
git checkout master-merge-ios
cp arm-apple-darwin10-bin/* ~/bin/          (<-- ~/bin is in my PATH)

I edited ~/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-gcc to change the -march option to 
armv7, like this, because that's what my iPod touch has:

TARGET_CFLAGS="-isysroot $TARGET_PLATFORM -march=armv7 -mcpu=cortex-a8 

git checkout master
git remote set-url origin http://darcs.haskell.org/ghc.git/
./sync-all --no-dph get
cd libraries/base
cat ../../ios-patch-14a-libraries-base.patch | patch -p1
cd ../../utils/hsc2hs/
| patch -p1
cd ../..
git remote set-url origin git at github.com:ghc-ios/ghc.git
git checkout master-merge-ios
cat > mk/build.mk
SPLIT_OBJS           = NO
INTEGER_LIBRARY      = integer-simple
Stage1Only           = YES
GhcLibWays           = v
perl boot
./configure --target=arm-apple-darwin10 --prefix=/usr/local/ghc-ios-steve

When you get this:
ghc-stage1: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
   (GHC version 7.7.20130328 for arm-apple-ios):
	expectJust initTcInteractive
just type 'make' again

I am using:
ghc-7.4.2 as my bootstrap ghc compiler

thopminkringscrape:ghc-ios stephenblackheath$ llc --version
Low Level Virtual Machine (http://llvm.org/):
   llvm version 3.0
   Optimized build.
   Built Aug 10 2012 (18:51:37).
   Host: x86_64-apple-darwin12.3.0
   Host CPU: i686

This is the head for master-merge-ios branch:
commit 942b130ada7be3f608286da934026e2c162d9527
Merge: 97274b1 81d55a9
Author: Stephen Blackheath <..>
Date:   Thu Mar 28 23:51:02 2013 +1300

     Merge branch 'master' into master-merge-ios

 > would you mind uploading somewhere a source tree that builds for you?
Sorry - I'm not really able to do that at the moment.

 > you mean the architecture compiled for? armv7 vs armv7s?
That's right.

I have not actually run this version yet.


On 28/03/13 23:21, Stefan Kersten wrote:
> hi steve,
> On 26 Mar 2013, at 20:36, "Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone]" <likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com> wrote:
>> The rev you mentioned _definitely_ works.
>> Check that you're using llvm version 3.0 or >= 3.2. Llvm version 3.1 is broken.
> i'm using llvm version 3.2, 3.0 doesn't compile anymore with the newest toolchain. still no joy, started from scratch and now having trouble getting as far as i already got. if you have the time and resources, would you mind uploading somewhere a source tree that builds for you? which osx+xcode+llvm are you using?
>> If it's not that, then it could be something to do with ARM variants.
> you mean the architecture compiled for? armv7 vs armv7s?
> many thanks + best,
> sk

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