[Haskell-iPhone] Running hsc2hs

Manuel M T Chakravarty chak at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Nov 20 05:53:22 CET 2011

[2nd attempt — sent the first from the wrong sender address.]


> Also, if there's any hints on running c2hs, they'd be appreciated, too, but I haven't spent a lot of time in c2hs land.

By default c2hs queries the platform it is running on for architecture-specific parameters.  However, it also contains a hardcoded set of parameters for a fixed set of platforms (in 'C2HS.Config') that can be selected with the "-p" (or '--platform=') flag.  By simply extending that set of platforms to include arm/iOS, you can use c2hs to cross-compile.


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