"winhugs /edit" problem

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 05:13:28 EDT 2010

Hi Olivier,

On clicking edit it tries to determine which editor it should use. If
you haven't set any editors, it takes a look in the registry to see
what editors you have installed, and picks the most appropriate one.
If it doesn't find any good editors, it falls back to notepad.

If you go to options, and pick an explicit editor, that will bypass
the search mechanism. My guess is that if you were to install TextPad
(www.textpad.com) then it would start working, since I have TextPad on
all my machines, and may not have tested in the absence of TextPad.

Thanks, Neil

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Olivier Lefevre <lefevrol at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Could someone explain *precisely* what happens when one tries
> to execute that command? It gives me a registry error that I'd
> like to debug but I don't have a clear idea of what this is
> doing under the cover.
> Thanks,
> -- O.L.
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