Fwd: Question

Neil Mitchell ndm at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Nov 27 16:04:06 EST 2007


A user asked:


I installed WinHugs on a Winodw Xp machine went into settings and set
the search path to be(shown exactly as :set is listing it).

Search path     : -P.;{Hugs}\packages\*;c:\haskell

I am keeping my fact.hs files(well my one and only at this time) in c:\haskell.

Hugs> :load fact.hs

ERROR - Unable to open file "fact.hs"

Hugs> :load "c:\haskell\fact.hs"



I realise that that isn't expected to work (the search path appears to
be only for modules not files), but I do wonder why not. An equivalent
feature request is:

:l List -- works fine
:l List.hs -- doesn't



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