graceful degradation in the case of errors

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Thu Feb 15 20:01:01 EST 2007


> if it was haskell, one could just keep a list of successfully loaded modules,
> and reload only those after an error message.

If it was well written in Haskell :) Haskell makes it harder to write
bad code, but it doesn't make it that easy to change things, usually.

> I just thought I'd report it for the record, and for the
> brave folks who keep the innards of Hugs up to date.

One thing I noticed reading through the recent History of Haskell
paper, all the compilers that have fallen by the way side have done so
because they were not written in Haskell or had a dependency on a
different language such as Scheme. I think its very impressive that
Hugs is still such a powerful and well maintained system!

> what I would like to see instead is winhugs changing colour or giving a message
> if the loaded version is not the newest version on disk (that is also more or
> less standard behaviour in good editors, I think). a gui ought to assist, not
> to dictate presumably better behaviour - beware of the paper clip:-)

It would be nice, I'll see if it is easily doable - depends how the
reload code is structured.



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