3 bugs?

Alex Meaden aejm1@ukc.ac.uk
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 22:49:27 -0000

When using Hugs 98, I have come across 3 what appear to be bugs.
1. When I use attempt to import another .hs file from an .hs file I have
created, I usually get the error message:
"ERROR "c:\folder1\file1.hs": Module "c:\folder2\file2.hs" not previously
loaded." This means I cannot import files. My Haskell lecturer and class
teachers are unable to find a solution. This occurs both in the DOS-mode and
GUI versions of Hugs 98. I used to be able to fix the problem by loading the
files from the Script Manager, but now I also get the error when loading by
these means. The chase imports setting is enabled.
2. When a associate .hs files with WinHugs.exe (in Windows 2000), they do
not open when double-clicked. Hugs/Win2k seems to put an extra set of "
marks round the file name, with the result that the file cannot be found.
3. When I attempt to load files using Script Manager, the Open dialog box
does not display files based upon the file extension selected in the
combo-box. For example, if select to open Haskell files .hs & .lhs from the
list of file types, nothing appears in the file list. The .hs files only
appear if I select All files *.*.

I hope this has been helpful!
Alex Meaden,
Computer Science BSc Student,
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.