No runhugs for Macintosh?

Jussi Piitulainen
08 Jan 2001 21:43:54 +0200

Hans Aberg <> writes:

> At 18:00 +0200 1-01-08, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:
>> I would like to run a completed program without the need to talk to
>> it: just click a script that launches Hugs with one program after
>> another, and I'd go away for a while or at
> There is an experimental MacHugs implementation that can accept and
> send arbitrary AppleEvent's.

This sounds very good.

> This MacHugs version is experimental, because the Hugs kernel isn't
> thread safe, so if it receives several ApppleEvent's to be executed
> in parallel or while it is already computing something, something
> might break. In your case, I think it would work OK, but know you
> know of it.

Is it otherwise stable?

It seems like it should be sufficient. I'd only need to send it one
event - gotta learn about that anyway, but an example or two would be
nice - and perhaps there's a way for the sender to wait for the
recipient to finish or something.

> If you want, I can send you the sources or a binary (but you will
> have to do the AppleScript programming yourself).

Can I have a binary, please, and I'll struggle with AppleScript by
myself. I've already been able to start Hugs from a script.  This is
an iMac, I have Stuffit Expander, mail comes to a Unix machine, and
I'm a bit confused but usually lucky about moving things between here
and there.

Thanks a lot,