[HOpenGL] OpenGL ES 2.0

Peter Jones mlists at pmade.com
Tue Apr 16 23:20:48 CEST 2013

I'm new to both Haskell and OpenGL so please forgive my ignorance and
feel free to correct any mistakes.

GHC cross-compiling to ARM (at least for iOS and maybe Android) is
currently being merged into mainline, making Haskell an attractive
language for desktop *and* mobile development.  This is still pretty
bleeding edge but, at least to me, very exciting.

I'm in the planning stages for a couple of applications that will have a
graphical game-like component to them.  I'd like to use Haskell and I've
also decided that since I need to support mobile devices the most
platform agnostic graphics library I can probably get away with is
OpenGL ES 2.0.

Since OpenGL ES 2.0 is based on OpenGL 2.0 with some modifications and a
proper subset of OpenGL 4.1 with the GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility extension,
I'm wondering if the current OpenGL package will work if I restrict
myself to the ES defined functions.  My research suggests that it won't
work because there are subtle differences between some of the function
names and other small incompatibilities.  One major difference being the
fact that OpenGL doesn't manage the window where drawing happens in ES.

If the existing packages won't work for this then I suppose I'll need to
write a new raw package for ES and provide some sort of shim layer to
OpenGL proper so that desktop applications can use the ES API.  My
initial thoughts for a raw package involve code generation, so I was
pretty happy when I stumbled upon the OpenGLRawgen repository.

At this point I'm looking to get some feedback on my approach and see if
anyone wants to work on this with me.

Peter Jones --- Love to Develop
Devalot: http://www.devalot.com

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