[HOpenGL] still trying

Sven Panne Sven_Panne@BetaResearch.de
Wed, 05 Feb 2003 09:54:30 +0100

Andre Furtado wrote:
> [ Cygwin ".exe" problem ]

I don't have a clue what causes your problems with the .exe suffix,
but configure's failure to find a working GHC is definitely a consequence
of this. I'm not a Cygwin expert and the current version works for me
"out of the box" on Win2k.

Have you tried MinGW/MSYS instead of Cygwin? Perhaps this works for you.

> I followed all steps in
> http://www.pms.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/mitarbeiter/panne/cygwin/opengl_glut.html
> [...]

These steps are not necessary anymore if you use a recent Cygwin or
MinGW/MSYS, see http://haskell.org/HOpenGL/INSTALL.
