[Hat] Hat install problem

Atze Dijkstra hat@haskell.org
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 13:32:23 +0200

At 11:41 +0100 30/09/2002, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
>Hmm, looks like you are building Hat 2.01 (from CVS), not 2.00.

Actually I started out with the 2.00 release, which gave the same 
error as the cvs extracted version. I tried the cvs version only 
because I could not build from the 'official' 2.00 source release.

>and delete it if you find it.

In 2.00 Hat.o was not present, and in the cvs 2.01 neither.

>If you really want the CVS version of Hat, then I suggest you start again with
>     make realclean
>     ./configure		# configure nhc98 (but we don't need 
>to re-build it)
>     ./hat-configure	# configure Hat
>     make hat
>     ./hat-configure --install	# install Hat - do not use 'make install'.

I tried your above suggestion, but it fails at the same spot. It 
looks as if Hat.hs is not compiled (perhaps an absent make 
dependency?), Hat.hs is present in the src tree.


                 - Atze -

Atze Dijkstra, Institute of Information & Computing Sciences,    /|\
Utrecht University, PO Box 80089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands  / | \
Tel.: +31-30-2534093/1454 | WWW  : http://www.cs.uu.nl/~atze   /--|  \
Fax : +31-30-2513971      | Email: atze@cs.uu.nl              /   |___\