[Hat] Hat install problem

Malcolm Wallace hat@haskell.org
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 11:24:07 +0100

Atze Dijkstra <atze@cs.uu.nl> writes:

> >     $(OBJDIR)/TPreludeBuiltinTypes.o: $(OBJDIR)/Hat.o
> Hmn, I found an already made 'hat.o'. The MacOSX HFS+ file system is 
> (sometimes) case insignificant.

Ugh.  I believe that various Windows filesystems suffer from the same
wart, i.e. that "ABC" and "abc" are treated as the same filename.
So this isn't really a bug in GNUmake at all, but a design flaw in
the HFS+ filesystem.

As a permanent workaround, we could rename one or both of the
hat.c/Hat.hs modules so that the object files do not conflict.

> now the build stops with an internal error:
> nhc98 +RTS -K12M -H64M -RTS   -cpp -c -o 
>   /Volumes/Apps/Install/hat-2.00/targets/powerpc-Darwin-6.1/obj/hatlib/...
>   .../nhc98/TPreludeBasic.o TPreludeBasic.hs
> Fatal internal error:  StringTable data allocated too high in address space!
> gcc: /tmp/TPreludeBasic.21196.s: No such file or directory

OK, the "StringTable data" error is not one I recognise.  As far as
I can tell, it is not produced by nhc98, nor gcc, nor ghc's runtime
system (if you compiled nhc98 with ghc).  Maybe it is part of some
Darwin-only library?  Try

    strings $comp | grep StringTable

on each of the possible compilers (the actual executable binary,
not the driver script), e.g.
to determine where the message is coming from.  Maybe try looking
in the shell (/bin/bash?) as well.

Another line of attack is to re-run the nhc98 commandline that produced
the error, by hand, adding a `-v' flag to see what the driver script
is doing.
