<div dir="ltr">Dear Colleagues and Researchers,<br><br>Apologies, if you have received multiple copies of this CFP.<br><br><br>********** CALL FOR PAPER **********<br><br>DS-RT
2017, the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed
Simulations and Real Time Applications, is running four special sessions
this year:<br> - Distributed Simulations of Distributed Systems<br> - Agent-based Modeling and Simulation<br><br> - Simulation of Urban Traffic Management and ITS<br> - Augmented and Virtual Reality for Real-Time Applications<br><br>Those
special sessions cover important areas of the field of distributed
simulations and real time applications, and many papers were accepted in
previous editions of DS-RT on the same topics. See below for more
detailed descriptions of those special sessions.<br><br><br>***** PAPER SUBMISSION AND REVIEW *****<br><br>Submitted
manuscripts must be in standard IEEE two-column format that is used for
IEEE conference proceedings and must not exceed "8 pages" (2-page
extension allowed), including figures, tables and references. Standard
IEEE templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats can be found at:<br> - <a href="http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html">http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html</a><br><br>A
submission may present preliminary results, propose new research
direction, provide insightful retrospective, or offer a provocative
viewpoint on important topics related to the considered special session.
Papers will be selected based on their likelihood of generating
insightful technical discussions at the special session and influencing
future research. Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted
for publication elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical
Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to
ensure high quality and relevance to the conference and the special
session. At least one author of accepted papers must attend the
conference and present its contribution. Accepted papers will appear in
the conference proceedings to be published by IEEE Press.<br><br>***** IMPORTANT DATES *****<br><br>Full paper submission deadline: May 20th, 2017<br>Paper acceptance notification: June 20th, 2017<br><br><br>***** FOR MORE INFORMATION *****<br><br>For
questions about the paper submission and review process, please contact
the session organisers - find all relevant information on the
corresponding web pages below.<br><br><br>***** DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL SESSIONS *****<br><br>* Special Session on Distributed Simulations of Distributed Systems<br><br>Distributed
simulation (DS) is a valuable tool for understanding and evaluating
distributed systems. The current computing trend sees businesses and
individuals moving toward a more centralized infrastructure, namely the
cloud. On the one hand, as the computing infrastructure at data centers
is highly complex and distributed, DS becomes essential for diagnosing
and gaining insights of the system. On the other hand, the scale and
nature of interaction between different components in the cloud present
new challenges and push DS's state of the art.<br><br>Another computing
trend that has potential to drive DS is internet-of-things. Such complex
systems consist of a large number of autonomous, heterogeneous devices
communicating with one another in non-uniform manner. DS is valuable not
only for discerning system properties but also for predicting the
devices' emergent behavior. Finally, users in online social networks
make up large distributed systems. Insights of user interaction and the
network's collective behavior --- the study of which fits well into the
realm of DS --- bring significant value to both the society and the
business of social network providers.<br><br>This special session seeks
to bring together experts and practitioners in the domain of DS to
discuss new opportunities and challenges for DS. We welcome research
papers on both theoretical and empirical issues.<br><br>Web page: <a href="http://ds-rt.com/2017/dsimdsys_2017.htm">http://ds-rt.com/2017/dsimdsys_2017.htm</a><br><br><br><br>* Special Session on Agent-based Modeling and Simulation<br><br>This
special session focuses on general aspects and special properties for
agent-based modeling and simulations that allows them to be applied on
several scientific domains, such as sociology, physics, chemistry,
biology, ecology, and economy. The session is intended to bring together
researchers and practitioners, so they can present the current status
of their work and discuss the challenges they face in developing
solutions and applications for agent-based simulations. Consequently,
the design of these simulations aims not only to social contexts but
also to more technical domains, which involves highly complex
interactive systems.<br><br>Web page: <a href="http://ds-rt.com/2017/abms_2017.htm">http://ds-rt.com/2017/abms_2017.htm</a><br><br><br>Best Regards,<br>DS-RT 2017 Special Session Chairs</div>