<div dir="ltr">------------------------------<wbr>------------------------------<wbr>----------------<br>
Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies.<br>
Call for Papers - DS-RT 2017<br>
21st IEEE/ACM* International Symposium on<br>
Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications<br>
<a href="http://ds-rt.com/2017" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://ds-rt.com/2017</a><br>
<span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">18 - 20 October 2017</span></span>, Rome, Italy<br>
*IEEE/ACM Pending Upon Approval<br>
------------------------------<wbr>------------------------------<wbr>----------------<br>Important: Paper submission deadline: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">12th May 2017</span></span><br>
*** The Symposium ***<br>
The 2017 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation<br>
and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017) promises to be a grand affair<br>
and will take place in Rome, Italy. DS-RT 2017 serves as a platform for<br>
simulationists from academia, industry and research labs for<br>
presenting recent research results in Distributed Simulation and Real<br>
Time Applications.<br>
DS-RT 2017 targets the growing overlap between large distributed<br>
simulations and real time applications, such as collaborative virtual<br>
environments, pervasive and ubiquitous application scenarios, motor-,<br>
controller-, sensor- and actuator systems.<br>
The conference features prominent invited speakers as well as papers<br>
by top researchers in the field. DS-RT 2017 will include contributed<br>
technical papers, invited papers, and panel discussions. The<br>
proceedings will be published by IEEE-CS press.<br>
*** Call for Papers ***<br>
DS-RT provides an international forum for the discussion and<br>
presentation of original ideas, recent results and achievements by<br>
researchers, research students, and systems developers on issues and<br>
challenges related to distributed simulation and real time<br>
applications. Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and<br>
practical results of significance. Demonstration of new<br>
tools/applications is very encouraged.<br>
The scope of the symposium includes, but is not limited to:<br>
- Paradigms, Methodology and Software Architectures for Large Scale<br>
Distributed and Real-Time Simulations (e.g. Parallel and Distributed<br>
Simulation, Multi-Agent Based Distributed Simulation, HLA/RTI, Web,<br>
Grid and cloud based Simulation, hardware-software co-design for<br>
extreme scale simulations)<br>
- Paradigms, Modelling, Architecture and Environments for Large Scale<br>
Real-time Systems and Concurrent Systems with hard and soft Real-Time<br>
- Advanced modelling techniques (reuse of models, new modelling<br>
languages, agent-based M&S, and spatial M&S)<br>
- Non-functional Properties of Distributed Simulation and Real-Time<br>
Systems (e.g. Dependability, Availability, Reliability,<br>
Maintainability, Safety, Security, Trustworthiness, QoS)<br>
- Theoretical Foundations of Large Scale Real-Time and Simulation<br>
Models (e.g. Event Systems, Causality, Space-Time Models, Notions of<br>
Time, Discrete and Continuous Systems, Simulator Coordination)<br>
- Simulation Studies at Large and Very Large Scale (e.g. Industrial,<br>
Commercial, Ecological and Environmental, Societal, Power and Energy,<br>
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Systems)<br>
- Performance and Validation of Large Scale and Distributed<br>
Simulations (e.g., benchmarking and analytical results, empirical<br>
studies DIS, HLA/RTI studies)<br>
- Algorithms and methods for parallel or distributed simulation<br>
(synchronization, scheduling, memory management, and load balancing)<br>
- Languages and Tools, Development Environments, Data Interfaces,<br>
Network Protocols and Model Repositories that address Very Large<br>
- Data Management and Distribution Issues, Interest Management,<br>
Semantic Modelling, Multi-resolution Modelling, Dead-Reckoning<br>
- Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Architectures and Applications<br>
that involve Simulations and/or adhere to Real-Time Constraints<br>
- Simulation based Virtual Environments and Mixed Reality Systems<br>
(e.g. Interactive Virtual Reality, Human Communication through<br>
Immersive Environments)<br>
- Collaborative Virtual and Augmented Reality, Shared Interaction<br>
Spaces, Telepresence Systems and Shared Workspaces, 3D Video and<br>
Acoustic Reconstruction, Shared Object Manipulation<br>
- Serious Gaming and Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG)<br>
applications, architectures and scalability issues<br>
- Visual Interactive Simulation Environments (e.g., Generic Animation,<br>
Visual Interactive Modelling, Interactive Computer Based Training and<br>
Learning, Scientific Visualization, High-End Computer Graphics)<br>
- Design Issues, Interaction Designs, Human Commuter Interaction<br>
Issues raised by Large Scale DS-RT Systems<br>
- Media Convergence (e.g. New Technologies, Media Theory, Real-Time<br>
considerations of Multi Modality, etc.)<br>
- Innovative Styles of Interactions with Large Scale DS-RT Systems<br>
(e.g. Implicit, Situative and Attentive Interaction, Tangible<br>
Interaction, Embedded Interaction, etc.)<br>
- Technologies for Living Labs (e.g. Mirror World Simulation,<br>
Interoperability, Large Scale Multi Sensor Networks, Global Wireless<br>
Communication, Multi Stakeholder Understanding and Innovation)<br>
- Environmental and Emerging Simulation Challenges (e.g. Growth of<br>
Human Population, Climate Change, CO2, Health Care, Ecosystems,<br>
Sustainable Development, Water and Energy Supply, Human Mobility, Air<br>
Traffic, World Stock Markets, Food Supply Chains, Megacities, Smart<br>
Cities, Disaster Planning, etc.)<br>
- Advanced Simulation Studies and Technologies (e.g. Discrete event,<br>
continuous Simulation, etc.)<br>
- Cognitive Modelling and Simulation, Artificial Intelligence in<br>
Simulation, and Neural Network Models and Simulation<br>
- Service-oriented Computing and Simulation, Web-based Modelling and<br>
Simulation, and Simulation of Multimedia Applications and Systems<br>
- Modeling and Virtual Evaluation of Distributed Systems through Simulation,<br>
Resilience Network Evaluation in Distributed Systems through Simulation,<br>
Models and Simulation Environments for Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems<br>
- Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices<br>
- Smart Network Design and Traffic Modelling<br>
- Haptic-audio-visual System and applications<br>
- Medical and surgical simulation based Systems<br>
- Human-computer interaction in virual reality environment<br>
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions<br>
of their papers to the Journal of Simulation (JoS).<br>
*** Important Dates Full Papers ***<br>
Paper Submission Deadline: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">5th May 2017</span></span><br>
Notification of Acceptance: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">5th June 2017</span></span><br>
Camera Ready version due: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">10th July 2017</span></span><br>
Symposium presentation: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">18 - 20 October 2017</span></span><br>
*** Call for Posters/Demos/Industrial Case Studies ***<br>
The 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation<br>
and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017) also solicits posters and<br>
technical demonstrations that report on recent original results,<br>
ongoing research or industrial case studies in the area of distributed<br>
simulation and real time applications.<br>
*** Important Dates Posters/Demos/Industrial Case Studies ***<br>
Paper submission deadline: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">12th May 2017</span></span><br>
Notification of acceptance: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">5th June 2017</span></span><br>
Camera-ready deadline: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">10th July 2017</span></span><br>
*** Submission ***<br>
Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication<br>
elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee<br>
members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality<br>
and relevance to the conference.<br>
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be<br>
published by IEEE-CS press.<br>
General information regarding submission can be found at<br>
<a href="http://ds-rt.com/2017" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://ds-rt.com/2017</a><br>
Questions from authors may be directed to the Program Co-Chairs.<br>
General Chair:<br>
Alfredo Garro, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy<br>
Program Chair:<br>
Andrea D'Ambrogio, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy<br>
Special Session Co-Chairs:<br>
Anthony Ventresque,Lero & University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland<br>
Robson De Grande, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada<br>
Local Organization Chair:<br>
Andrea Giglio, Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome, Italy<br>
Financial Chair:<br>
Rina Mary Mazza, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy<br>
Registration Chair:<br>
Simona Citrigno, ICT-SUD Competence Center, Rende, Italy<br>
Publicity Co-Chairs:<br>
Simon J.E Taylor, Brunel University London, UK<br>
Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare, FAERO - University of Technology in<br>
Fly Transportation, Florianopolis, Brazil<br>
Posters Chair:<br>
Floriano De Rango, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy<br>
Publication Chair:<br>
Andrea Tundis, Technische Universitdt Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany<br>
Web Co-Chairs:<br>
Robson De Grande, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada<br>
Rodolfo Coutinho, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil</div>