[Haskell] Last call for presentations: CUFP 2017, September 7-9, Oxford, UK

Jasper Van der Jeugt m at jaspervdj.be
Wed Jun 7 19:35:02 UTC 2017

The deadline for CUFP presentations is this friday, the 9th of June.
This CFP and the form for submitting presentations proposals can be
found at: http://cufp.org/2017/call-for-presentations.html


2017 Call for Presentations

Workshop for Commercial Users of Functional Programming 2017
Sponsored by SIGPLAN
CUFP 2017
Co-located with ICFP 2017
Oxford, UK
September 7-9
Talk Proposal Submission Deadline: 9 June 2017

The annual CUFP event is a place where people can see how others are
using functional programming to solve real world problems; where
practitioners meet and collaborate; where language designers and users
can share ideas about the future of their favorite language; and where
one can learn practical techniques and approaches for putting functional
programming to work.


Giving a CUFP Talk

If you have experience using functional languages in a practical
setting, we invite you to submit a proposal to give a talk at the event.
We're looking for two kinds of talks:

Retrospective reports are typically 25 minutes long. Now that CUFP has
run for more than a decade, we intend to invite past speakers to share
what they’ve learned after a decade spent as commercial users of
functional programming. We will favour experience reports that include
technical content.

Technical talks are also 25 minutes long, and should focus on teaching
the audience something about a particular technique or methodology, from
the point of view of someone who has seen it play out in practice. These
talks could cover anything from techniques for building functional
concurrent applications, to managing dynamic reconfigurations, to design
recipes for using types effectively in large-scale applications. While
these talks will often be based on a particular language, they should be
accessible to a broad range of programmers.

We strongly encourage submissions from people in communities that are
underrepresented in functional programming, including but not limited to
women; people of color; people in gender, sexual and romantic
minorities; people with disabilities; people residing in Asia, Africa,
or Latin America; and people who have never presented at a conference
before. We recognize that inclusion is an important part of our ission
to promote functional programming. So that CUFP can be a safe
environment in which participants openly exchange ideas, we abide by the
SIGPLAN Conference Anti-Harassment Policy:


If you are interested in offering a talk, or nominating someone to do
so, please submit your presentation before 09 June 2017 via the CUFP
2017 Presentation Submission Form:


You do not need to submit a paper, just a short proposal for your talk.
There will be a short scribe's report of the presentations and
discussions but not of the details of individual talks, as the meeting
is intended to be more of a discussion forum than a technical

Nevertheless, presentations will be recorded and presenters will be
expected to sign an ACM copyright release form.

Note that we will need presenters to register for the CUFP workshop and
travel to Oxford at their own expense. There are some funds available to
would-be presenters who require assistance in this respect.


Program Committee

    Alex Lang (Tsuru Capital), co-chair
    Rachel Reese (Mulberry Labs), co-chair
    Garrett Smith (Guild AI)
    Danielle Sucher (Jane Street)
    Jasper Van der Jeugt (Fugue)
    Yukitoshi Suzuki (Ziosoft)
    Evelina Gabasova (University of Cambridge)
    Brian Mitchell (Jet.com)


More information

For more information on CUFP, including videos of presentations from
previous years, take a look at the CUFP website at http://cufp.org. Note
that presenters, like other attendees, will need to register for the
event. Acceptance and rejection letters will be sent out by July 15th.
Guidance on giving a great CUFP talk

Focus on the interesting bits: Think about what will distinguish your
talk, and what will engage the audience, and focus there. There are a
number of places to look for those interesting bits.

Setting: FP is pretty well-established in some areas, including formal
verification, financial processing, and server-side web services. An
unusual setting can be a source of interest. If you're deploying
FP-based mobile UIs or building servers on oil rigs, then the challenges
of that scenario are worth focusing on. Did FP help or hinder in
adapting to the setting?

Technology: The CUFP audience is hungry to learn about how FP techniques
work in practice. What design patterns have you applied, and to what
areas? Did you use functional reactive programming for user interfaces,
or DSLs for playing chess, or fault-tolerant actors for large-scale
geological data processing? Teach us something about the techniques you
used, and why we should consider using them ourselves.

Getting things done: How did you deal with large-scale software
development in the absence of pre-existing support tools that are often
expected in larger commercial environments (IDEs, coverage tools,
debuggers, profilers) and without larger, proven bodies of libraries?
Did you hit any brick walls that required support from the community?

Don't just be a cheerleader: It's easy to write a rah-rah talk about how
well FP worked for you, but CUFP is more interesting when the talks also
cover what doesn't work. Even when the results were all great, you
should spend more time on the challenges along the way than on the parts
that went smoothly.

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