[Haskell] The deadlines for paper submission have been extended (TASE 2011)

Huibiao Zhu hbzhu at sei.ecnu.edu.cn
Tue Mar 22 12:20:03 CET 2011


                          TASE 2011

5th IEEE International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Software


                 ***  Call For Papers  ***

                   August 29-31, 2011

                       Xi'an, China



    The deadlines for paper submission have been extended.

         Abstract Submission: 1 April, 2011 (New)

        Full-paper submission: 8 April, 2011 (New)




The 5th IEEE International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Software
Engineering (TASE 2011), sponsored by IEEE CS and IFIP, will be held in
Xi'an, China in August, 2011. 


Large scale software systems and the Internet are of growing concern to
academia and industry. This poses new challenges to the various aspects of
software engineering, for instance, the reliability of software development,
web-oriented software architecture and aspect and object-orientation
techniques. As a result, new concepts and methodologies are required to
enhance the development of software engineering  from theoretical aspects.
TASE 2011 is a forum for researchers from academia, industry and government
to present ideas, results, and ongoing research on theoretical advances in
software engineering.


TASE 2011 is the fifth in a series of conference, sponsored by IEEE CS and
IFIP. The first TASE conference was held in Shanghai, China, in June 2007.
The second TASE conference was held in Nanjing, China, in June 2008. The
third TASE conference was held in Tianjin, China, in June 2009, and the
fourth TASE conference was held in Taipei, China, in October 2010.


TASE 2011 will be held in Xi'an, China. Xi'an, the eternal city, records the
great changes of the Chinese nation just like a living history book. So far,
Xian enjoys equal frame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one of the four
major ancient civilization capitals. It has many places of interest, such as
Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, City Wall, Bell Tower, Big Wild Goose
Pagoda and so on. International Horticultural Exposition will be held in
Xi'an in 2011.



Topics of Interest

Authors are invited to submit high quality technical papers describing
original and unpublished work in all theoretical aspects of software
engineering. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


* Requirements Engineering 

* Embedded and Real-Time Systems 

* Program Analysis 

* Software Architectures and Design 

* Component-Based Software Engineeringg 

* Reverse Engineering and Software Maintenance 

* Aspect and Object Orientation 

* Type System and Theory 

* Dependable Concurrency

* Automata and Temporal/Modal Logic

* Petri Nets

* Domain Theory

* Type Theory

* Process Algebra and Concurrency

* Specification and Verification 

* Software Testing 

* Model-Driven Engineering 

* Software Processes and Workflows

* Software Safety, Security and Reliability

* Service-Oriented Computing

* Semantic Web and Web Services

* Program Logics and Calculus 

* Software Model Checking

* Probability and Randomization

* Game Theory

* Theorem Proving

* Static Analysis and Model Checking 

* Testing, Simulation and other Dynamic Analyses



Submission should be done through the TASE 2011 submission page, handled by
the EasyChair conference system. The authors are requested to submit the
abstract (100-300 words) by 1 April, 2011 (New), and the paper (up to 8
pages) by 8 April, 2011 (New).


To do submission, visit EasyChair and register as a new member. A password
will be sent by e-mail shortly. Using that password, log-in and proceed to
the New Submission page, where the detailed instructions can be found. When
submitting the abstract, tick the "Abstract Only" box nearly at the end of
the page. After submission, the authors can update abstracts and papers as
well as the authors' information using the EasyChair system until the
deadline. The proceedings of the conference will be published by the IEEE
Computer Society Press. Papers must be written in English and not exceed 8
pages in Two-Column IEEE format. Authors should use the IEEE latex style
files for the two-column proceedings format. The style files and
instructions for using them is at

(The file bare_conf.tex at
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/ may be used
as a template).

Submissions not accepted to the proceedings may be considered for poster


Important Dates

1 April, 2011: Title and abstract submission deadline (New)

8 April, 2011: Paper submission deadline (New)

6 May, 2011: Acceptance/rejection notification (New)

May 16, 2011: Final version due

August 29 - 31, 2011: TASE 2011




Luke Ong (Oxford University, UK)

Zhenhua Duan (Xidian University, China)






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