[Haskell] Lrc status

João Saraiva jas at di.uminho.pt
Wed Jul 12 06:40:33 EDT 2006

On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 15:55 -0400, Robert Dockins wrote:
> Does anyone have any information about the current status of Lrc?   
> Has it ever been released?  Does it live somewhere else now?
> The homepage is apparently:  http://www.di.uminho.pt/~jas/Research/ 
> LRC/lrc.html

> It has a bunch of "coming soon" links, but the page hasn't been  
> updated since about 2002.

Yes, the webpage hasn't been updated for awhile but the system has!
Since 2002 the main developments are: the incorporation of an OCAML
backend, the incorporation of XML technologies (expat for parsing,
XQuery, pretty printing), the development of a set of reusable attribute
grammar components/libraries, and we are almost finishing a front-end in
LRC for Haskell (ie an incremental prog. environment for Haskell).

I haven't updated the homepage since Matthijs Kuiper who started
developing LRC, after leaving Utrecht and moving to industry built a
nice GUI for the language-based environments and he has a kind of
copyright on that part. Nevertheless, I (and Matthijs) can distribute
that version of LRC (for research purposes only), but I never felt
comfortable to make it available on the web. Yes, probably I should
update the webpage and making it clear that LRC is available for
research purposes. I will be very happy to send you the latest version
of the system.

BTW, we have almost re-implemented the LRC system in Haskell. We have
developed an GLR parser generator:  


And, we have constructed an Haskell library that implements the back-end
of LRC (that is, the circularuty test and the scheduling of attribute
evaluation: the hardest part...). We are using it to analyse and
transform circular lazy Haskell programs:


Soon, the two will merge and we will have an AG system producing lazy,
strict and deforested attribute evaluators.

Best regards, 
João Saraiva

> Rob Dockins
> Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
> Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
>            -- TMBG
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