[Haskell] take 10 [1..] article series: Libraries ( please contribute ! )

Kenneth Hoste Kenneth.Hoste at UGent.be
Tue Nov 22 09:42:26 EST 2005

As was already announced, I'll try to provide an article for each 
upcoming TMR [1] issue, regarding some subject in the world of Haskell. 
My intention is to write a short piece on some item which fits the 
monthly subject.
The first topic for the series of 'take 10 [1..]' articles is Libraries, 
and will be published in the next TMR issue (December).

I'll choose a top 10 (without ordering, this is no popularity contest), 
and try and summarize what the library is meant for, who is maintaining 
it, why you should use it, ...

I'd like to ask this mailing list to make a contribution: which Haskell 
library is your favorite, which ones do you _really_ need for your work 
with Haskell, which ones do you like.
Please feel free to reply one or more suggestions, or adjust the wiki [2].

[1] http://haskell.org/tmrwiki
[2] http://haskell.org/tmrwiki/TopTenHaskell_25Libraries


Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital (Aaron Levenstein)

Kenneth Hoste
ELIS - Ghent University

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