Implementing RefMonads in Haskell without ST,IO

Tim Sweeney
Fri, 30 May 2003 00:00:26 -0500

Hi Derek,

How can one implement RefMonad below directly in Haskell?

class Monad m => RefMonad m r | m -> r where
    newRef :: a -> m (r a)
    readRef :: r a -> m a
    writeRef :: r a -> a -> m ()

I've been able to implement a monad that encapsulates "references to
integers", by creating a monad that passes "the heap" (a function int->int,
from heap indices to integer values stored in the heap) in and out of
functions.  That was pretty straightforward, and the monad makes everything
look like an imperative language that supports updatable references to
integers (and only integers).

But how can one implement RefMonad to support references of all possible
types simultaneously?

The problem is that "readRef" needs to return elements of an arbitrary type,
so it has to be able to extract them from some sort of "heap" function or
data structure.  But what does the heap data structure look like?  The
values that "readRef :: r a -> m a" depend on type "a", and I can't figure
out how to implement that, because "a" is local to that declaration.

If this were implemented in C++, for example, the heap could just store
"objects", and readRef could cast the object to the appropriate type when
returning it.  But in Haskell, I don't see any way to do this.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Elkins" <>
To: "Tim Sweeney" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Implementing RefMonads in Haskell without ST,IO

> On Thu, 29 May 2003 22:48:05 -0500
> "Tim Sweeney" <> wrote:
> > If it's not possible to implement a typesafe RefMonad instance
> > directly in Haskell, without making use of built-in imperative
> > features like IO, then doesn't this refute the claims that monads
> > implement imperative features functionally?
> >
> > -Tim
> You certainly can have an instance of RefMonad that -simulates-
> updateable references. You can't implement this with update inplace
> without an update inplace primitive and if Haskell had an update inplace
> primitive that you could use anywhere it wouldn't be a pure language.
> Monads in Haskell -allow- imperative features and use of imperative
> features without breaking the purity of the entire language.  Outside a
> monadic computation equational reasoning always holds, even when talking
> about imperative actions. That monads implement an imperative effect
> doesn't mean they implement it the same way an imperative language
> would.  Of course, the actual implementation doesn't matter so
> implementing it imperatively is just as good as implementing it
> functionally as far as static semantics go, which is why everything
> (IO&ST) works out.