Help about programming a module in haskell ?

Marc van Dongen
Wed, 18 Apr 2001 09:59:57 +0100

Mickaël GAUTIER ( wrote:

:     Hi, i am a french beginner in programming in haskell language. My first module was to prove that a boolean proposition is always right. So it was about logical mathematic. Now i am trying to program a modul which function not with mathematic rules but with logical rules as in Prolog. I've a game named nani (it's a boy who wants to find his nani which is in one of the three rooms of the house) wrote in prolog and i'm trying to convert it in haskell. If someone is interest by my subject can he send me his e-mail adress ?
: Thanks Mickaël GAUTIER


There is a Prolog module for Haskell but when
I tried to locate it I couldn't find it. Perhaps
somebody can help.


Marc van Dongen
     Marc van Dongen, CS Dept | phone:  +353 21 4903578
University College Cork, NUIC | Fax:    +353 21 4903113
  College Road, Cork, Ireland | Email: