[Haskell-community] Design Proposal for Haskell.org

David Deutsch skOre at skOre.de
Fri Jun 3 08:29:26 UTC 2016

Replying to myself here - Since Gershom kindly went ahead with pushing 
the release live, I thought I'd open another issue on github concerning 
outstanding issues that the new design might have introduced: 

I would prefer it if people could either post further 
findings/suggestions there or at least reference replies they've made 
here in a comment so I can keep track of them.

best regards,

On 02.06.2016 00:36, David Deutsch wrote:
> Thanks, Gershom,
> I've added another commit and everything is good to go from my end.
> best regards,
> David
> On 31.05.2016 01:14, Gershom B wrote:
>> David -- that sounds about right to me (in terms of people liking the
>> broad strokes and raising issues that are important but don't need to
>> be in scope for this initial phase).
>> If you have anything else you want to do first, let me know, otherwise
>> I'll go ahead and accept the pull and, barring any further discussion
>> that stands in the way, redeploy sometime this week.
>> We can then proceed in a lot of directions from there :-)
>> Sound good all?
>> Cheers,
>> Gershom
>> On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 6:04 PM, David Deutsch <skOre at skore.de> wrote:
>>> Hi Alexander,
>>> Thank you for the kind words.
>>> I've checked the color contrast and it seems to range between 3.2 
>>> and 4.7
>>> with a mean contrast at 4.0, which borders on problematic (the
>>> recommendation is 4.5), but doesn't seem terribly inaccessible, 
>>> especially
>>> since it's only used on a handful of links and not the entire text.
>>> I will add this to my list of "along the way" improvements for a 
>>> final run,
>>> trying to bump the contrast ratio to a more steady 4.5+.
>>> Since you appear to be keen on accessibility: If you have specific 
>>> issues
>>> that you would like to raise to and, preferably, advice on how to 
>>> improve
>>> them, I'm all ears. I'm pointing that out because "doesn't /look/
>>> accessible" (my emphasis) doesn't give me that much to work with and 
>>> I hope
>>> it's obvious that following WCAG2.0 "as strictly as possible" is not
>>> feasible for a volunteer.
>>> While I agree that accessibility is a very important aspect to pay 
>>> attention
>>> to, I would appreciate not getting too lost in details like this at 
>>> this
>>> stage in the process. The intent of my PR is to replace the current 
>>> site
>>> design, not iron out every possible issue with it (similar contrast 
>>> concerns
>>> are valid for the current site, for example the community section - 
>>> that we
>>> fixed... by removing it - goes as low as 2.3 in terms of contrast) and
>>> certainly not attain a "universal design" (which, admittedly, I'm 
>>> not sure I
>>> fully understand the meaning of).
>>> That being said, I appreciate that my PR apparently continues to 
>>> foster a
>>> level of bikeshedding (with occasional compliments thrown in) that 
>>> seems to
>>> suggest that there isn't much objection to it ;-) So - since my time is
>>> limited, I hope we can move ahead with the PR some time soon and 
>>> move the
>>> more detailed analysis to followup tickets.
>>> best regards,
>>> David
>>> On 30.05.2016 10:56, Alexander Berntsen wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA512
>>>> The pink on purple doesn't look accessible. I.e. there is too low
>>>> contrast. Please try to make sure WCAG 2.0 is adhered to as strictly
>>>> as possible in order to ensure universal design that doesn't
>>>> discriminate against people with disabilities.
>>>> Thanks to David for working on this!
>>>> - -- Alexander
>>>> alexander at plaimi.net
>>>> https://secure.plaimi.net/~alexander
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