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Hello again, Haskell Cafe,<br>
Here again with another doubt on how am I supposed to. This one should be fairly easier, I believe.<br>
In short, I would like to have a functor type that can only be applied to certain type parameters. Why? Well, something like this:<br>
module DatatypeContextsExample where
<div>import Data.Map</div>
<div>import Data.Bifunctor</div>
<div>data Foo t = Foo (Map t t)</div>
<div>instance Functor Foo where</div>
fmap f (Foo m) = Foo (fromList (fmap (bimap f f) (toList m)))<br>
This does not compile, because I am using toList and fromList, which require (Ord t). But I cannot really have Foo be a functor in this way without it. The thing is, every time I am going to use it, t is actually going to be Ord. But how do I tell Haskell to
have this constraint?<br>
DatatypeContexts seems to be the extension that allows this:<br>
<span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span>data Ord t => Foo t = Foo (Map t t)<br>
But this has two issues. First, DatatypeContexts is deprecated. Second, more importantly, it still does not type check! It produces the exact same error, saying that Ord t could not be inferred. It should be inferred from the very fact that I am using the type
Foo, but GHC does not seem to want to understand this.<br>
I could also try with GADTs:<br>
data Foo t where<br>
Foo :: Ord t => Map t t -> Foo t<br>
But this <b>still</b> gives the same error on the fmap definition, stating it cannot use Foo without Ord. But I am pattern-matching against it, shouldn't
<b>that</b> be enough to <b>know</b> that (Ord t) is going to hold? I don't understand it.<br>
Is there anything simple I am missing? Any other simple way to achieve this? Any fundamental problem with what I am trying to do?<br>
Thanks as usual,<br>
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