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<p>I have the following kind of template haskell code:</p>
<pre>module Foo where
foo :: String -> Name -> Q [Dec]
foo str name = return []
module Bar where
bar :: String
bar = "whatever"
module FooBar where
import Foo
import Bar
foo bar 'bar</pre>
<p>It works great as in `foo` I can use both bar's Name and bar's
value computed at compile time.</p>
<p>But it's unsafe for my purpose because a user could call: `foo
"fakeBarValue" 'bar`</p>
<p>So the question is: is there a way to write `foo` so that it can
only be used safely?</p>
<p>If not, I guess it could be possible to add a new kind of quote
to TH, something like:<br>
data Named a = Named Name a -- constructor not exported so that
Named values can't be forged by users.<br>
[namedValue||bar||] :: Named String -- new quote</p>
<p>What do you think?<br>