<p dir="ltr">Dear all,<br>
we're implementing a variant of cryptocurrency with deleged forgers.<br>
It is distributed in building ledger and decentralized in nodes participating jn forming transactions.<br>
For this we would need to have a BFT algorithm to govern the views on the network and deal with partitions.<br>
Implementation has to be industrial-strength and used in production.<br>
We're willing to contribute actively to such implementation development.<br>
We're looking at HoneyBadgerBFT as an ideal candidate, but it's not implemented in Haskell.<br>
The only BFT algorithm implementation we found is a toy RaftBFT implementation.</p>
<p dir="ltr">If you have an opensource BFT implementation, or proprietary BFT implementation you would like to trade, please report those implementations here.</p>
<p dir="ltr">If you need more details on our use case, don't hesitate to ask. Everything we do is open source and me or my colleagues will gladly answer any questions you might have.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Sincerely yours,<br>
Jonn Mostovoy,<br>
Cardano SL Project Managet at IOHK | Serokell</p>
<p dir="ltr"><a href="https://serokell.io">https://serokell.io</a> <a href="https://iohk.io">https://iohk.io</a></p>