<div dir="ltr"><pre>Below is some test code I am writing for my game, the link to the entire codebase, the error message and some discussion
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ testGroup "EventNetwork Input"
[testBuffer "bBuffer" Populated]
testBuffer :: String -> BufferState -> Test
testBuffer name Populated =
testCase name $ assert $ bufferPopulated (UAC (PlayerCommand (Move (ToPlanetName Mongo)) (AID (Data.Text.pack "100"))))
testBuffer name Empty =
testCase name $ assert $ bufferEmptied (UAC (PlayerCommand (Move (ToPlanetName Mongo)) (AID (Data.Text.pack "100"))))
bufferPopulated :: UAC -> MomentIO Bool
bufferPopulated ev = do
let eInput = ev <$ never
eValidated = toVAC <$> eInput
bBufferMap <- (buffer eValidated eClear) :: MomentIO (Behavior BufferMap)
let r2 = [(Just $ BufferMap $ M.insert (AID (Data.Text.pack "100")) (toVAC ev) (M.empty :: M.Map AID VAC))]
r1 <- liftIO $ ((interpret (eBuffer bBufferMap) []) :: IO [Maybe BufferMap])
return $ r1 == r2
bufferEmptied :: UAC -> MomentIO Bool
bufferEmptied ev = undefined
eBuffer :: Behavior BufferMap -> Event a -> Event BufferMap
eBuffer bBufferMap nvr =
bBufferMap <@ (() <$ nvr)
eClear = Clear <$ (() <$ never)
When I run stack build I get
No instance for (Test.HUnit.Base.Assertable (MomentIO Bool))
arising from a use of ‘assert’
In the expression: assert
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
$ bufferPopulated
(PlayerCommand (Move (ToPlanetName Mongo)) (AID (pack "100"))))’
In the expression:
testCase name
$ assert
$ bufferPopulated
(PlayerCommand (Move (ToPlanetName Mongo)) (AID (pack "100"))))
The problem lies with buffer. It relies on accumB which requires the MomentIO monad. I considered writing an
instance for Assertable, but I think that's a red-herring and the answer lies elsewhere. I need to reconcile the
fact that assert wants an IO Bool, but accumB wants a MomentIO. Maybe I do need to write an instance for Assertable.
Here's the link to the project:
<a href="https://github.com/mlitchard/emporos/tree/banana-1.0.0/src">https://github.com/mlitchard/emporos/tree/banana-1.0.0/src</a></pre></div>