[Haskell-cafe] segfault depending on code position in source file

Artem Pelenitsyn a.pelenitsyn at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 16:34:57 UTC 2019


It is really hard to tell anything without the ability to reproduce the
problem on other systems. Try to come up with some example which is easy to
get running AND segfaulting on other computers, so that we could play with
it. Maybe post the minimal code in separate github repo and provide the

Best, Artem

On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 at 10:14 Damien Mattei <damien.mattei at gmail.com> wrote:

> my code is structured like this , in summary:
> -- this function will return th N°BD from Sidonie for a given name
> -- note: names have been standardized between Sidonie and WDS
> getAlphaDelta :: Connection -> String -> IO (Double,Double)
> getAlphaDelta conn name = do
>             let qry_head_AlphaDelta_AngularDistance = "select alpha,delta
> from AngularDistance where Nom = ?" :: Query
>             (alpha_delta_rows :: [(Double,Double)]) <- query conn
> qry_head_AlphaDelta_AngularDistance (Only (name::String))
> --            putStrLn $ show alpha_delta_rows
>             return (head alpha_delta_rows)
> main =
>   do
>     conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo
>       { connectHost = "moita",
>         connectUser = "mattei",
>         connectPassword = "sidonie2",
>         connectDatabase = "sidonie" }
> -- check getAlphaDelta works:
>     let name3 = "A     7"
>     putStrLn $ show name3
>     ad3 <- getAlphaDelta conn name3
>     putStr "ad3 ="
>     putStrLn $ show ad3
> this works i got result such as:
> "A     7"
> ad3 =(11297.0,-619.0)
> if i move the 5 lines of code at the end of file it segfault
> between the begin and end i have some DB connection and  queriung ,
> filtering, mapping...
> any idea?
> should i really upgrade the version of GHCI?
> Damien
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