[Haskell-cafe] Why are && and || right-associative?

Ryan Reich ryan.reich at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 03:21:34 UTC 2019

> I don't understand how laziness enters the picture:
>     (False && ⊥) && ⊥ ≡ False
>     False && (⊥ && ⊥) ≡ False
> in both cases we get the same result.

The first expression builds two thunks before trying the leftmost operand,
and the second one only builds one thunk.  More generally, a
left-associative conjunction of n lazy Bools will build n - 1 thunks at
once when forced, but a right-associative one will have only one at a time,
though it may have to iterate through all n - 1 before finishing.
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