[Haskell-cafe] Optimizing nearest-k code

Vanessa McHale vanessa.mchale at iohk.io
Fri May 25 13:59:30 UTC 2018

Also: are you sure

let rs = subsets xs in rs  ++ map (x:) rs

is more efficient than

subsets xs ++ map (x:) (subsets xs)

I would have assumed these would be the same due to laziness, etc.

On 05/24/2018 12:36 PM, Mark Wotton wrote:
> there are a few things you can do.
> I ran it locally and got 3s cpu time and 3gb of allocation, more or less.
> first off, your subset implementation computes the subsets twice.
> taking that off took it down to 2s.
> After that it's mostly in the Set implementation. Using Map a ()
> instead gives you access to Data.Map.Merge.Strict.merge, which is a
> bit more efficient (going over the two data structures once only)
> ```
> module Main where
> import Data.List
> import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
> import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Strict as Map
> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
> nearest_k :: (Ord a) => Int -> [(Map a (), v)] -> Map a () -> [(Map a (), v)]
> nearest_k k bs b = take k bs' where
>     bs' = sortOn (hamming b) bs
> hamming :: (Ord a)=> Map a () -> (Map a (), v) -> Int
> hamming x (y, _) = hamming_distance x y
> hamming_distance :: (Ord a)=> Map a () -> Map a () -> Int
> hamming_distance xs ys = Map.size (Map.merge Map.preserveMissing
> Map.preserveMissing (Map.zipWithMaybeMatched (\_ _ _ -> Nothing)) xs
> ys)
> subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
> subsets []  = [[]]
> subsets (x:xs) = let rs = subsets xs in rs  ++ map (x:) rs
> int_lists :: [[Int]]
> int_lists = subsets [1..20]
> values :: [(Map Int (), Int)]
> values = map f (zip [1..] int_lists) where
>     f (i, x) = (Map.fromList(zip  x (repeat ())), i)
> test = nearest_k 8 values (Map.fromList (zip [1,2,3] (repeat ())))
> main = print test
> ```
> that took it to 1s, and now profiling indicates more than half the
> time is spent in generation of the test values, so I'll leave it
> there.
> I think if you wanted to do better than this you'd have to do some
> algorithmic changes - for instance, once your worst candidate is n
> steps away, you can stop calculating the hamming distance for anything
> else once it's > n, as it can't contribute usefully to the nearest
> neighbours.
> cheers,
> Mark
> On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:15 PM, Richard Evans
> <richardprideauxevans at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Haskell Cafe,
>> Given a set of sets, and a particular target set, I want to find the sets
>> that are nearest (in terms of Hamming distance) to the target set.
>> I am using the following code:
>> import Data.List
>> import qualified Data.Set as Set
>> nearest_k :: Ord a => Int -> [(Set.Set a, v)] -> Set.Set a -> [(Set.Set a,
>> v)]
>> nearest_k k bs b = take k bs' where
>>     bs' = sortOn (hamming b) bs
>> hamming :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> (Set.Set a, v) -> Int
>> hamming x (y, _) = hamming_distance x y
>> hamming_distance :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> Set.Set a -> Int
>> hamming_distance xs ys = Set.size (Set.difference xs ys) + Set.size
>> (Set.difference ys xs)
>> subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
>> subsets []  = [[]]
>> subsets (x:xs) = subsets xs ++ map (x:) (subsets xs)
>> int_lists :: [[Int]]
>> int_lists = subsets [1..20]
>> values :: [(Set.Set Int, Int)]
>> values = map f (zip [1..] int_lists) where
>>     f (i, x) = (Set.fromList x, i)
>> test = nearest_k 8 values (Set.fromList [1,2,3])
>> ----
>> This works ok for the test above (with sets of ints), but is rather slow in
>> my actual application (in which the sets are large sets of ground atoms of
>> first-order logic). Is there some major optimization I should be doing here?
>> thanks,
>> Richard
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