[Haskell-cafe] Investing in languages

Jerzy Karczmarczuk jerzy.karczmarczuk at unicaen.fr
Sat Jul 14 22:33:29 UTC 2018

Le 14/07/2018 à 17:28, Paul ["aquagnu"]a écrit :
> By the way, Haskell role was to kill SML community, sure it is sad to 
> acknowledge it, but it’s 100% true...

Could you please cite some */serious/* source supporting this claim?
> And IMHO there was some lazy dialect of ML (may be, I’m not right).

LML of Lennart Augustsson and Thomas Johnsson, 1984 ("LISP and 
Functional Programming"). It came before Miranda (1985)...
If you are not certain, read something, please...

> Smalltalk was good language (*mostly dead*, except Pharo, which looks 
> cool).
Well, Squeak is alive, its "children": Scratch, Snap, etc, as well. 
Pharo is a fork of Squeak as well.
The European Smalltalk User Group organizes in September quite a big 
conference in Cagliari.
It seems that you are exaggerating a bit, killing all the languages you 
have heard [a little...] about...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
/Caen, France/

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