[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [Haskell-beginners] monad and variable result

Damien Mattei mattei at oca.eu
Wed Dec 12 10:14:19 UTC 2018

thank you a lot Seph for all those explanations,
i read them carefully and finally come to this:
getBD conn name >>= \noBD ->
          ((putStrLn . show) noBD)

that print it on the screen in main but it remains a last step ,how can
 get it in a Float variable?

Le 11/12/2018 20:27, Seph Shewell Brockway a écrit :
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 04:54:24PM +0100, Damien Mattei wrote:
>> but the question rest entire :how can i get the loat number from all this?
>> i have a Main that looks like this:
>> main :: IO ()
>> --main :: Int
>> main =
>>   do
>>     conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo
>>       { connectHost = "moita",
>>         connectUser = "mattei",
>>         connectPassword = "sidonie2",
>>         connectDatabase = "sidonie" }
>> -- first we get the N°BD from sidonie
>>     let name = "A    20"
>> let noBD_IO = getBD conn name
>> --    putStrLn $ show $ read $ Text.unpack noBD_IO
>>     close conn
>>     print "Exit."
> Within a do block, ‘let’ statements are for pure values, while
> for monadic ones you bind a variable with <-, for example with
>    noBD <- getBD conn name
>    whatever
> This is do-notation, which desugars to
>    getBD conn name >>= \noBD -> whatever
> In this context, >>= has type signature
>    (>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
> In fact it works for any monad, but let’s stick to IO for now. If we
> look at this function type a bit, we see that it takes a monadic
> computation and feeds it into a function that takes a _pure_ value.
> In this case the function in question is your print statement:
>    putStrLn . show :: Show a => a -> IO ()
> (There is actually a builtin function called print that does exactly
> this.) Its input type is a, not IO a, so the result of getBD can’t be
> used as-is, but >>= (pronounced ‘bind’) enables the return value of the
> IO computation to be fed into the new function, returning a new monadic
> computation representing the combination of the two original ones.
> If you think about it, the ‘inescapable’ nature of the IO monad makes
> sense: if a function is pure, it can’t have side effects, and therefore
> it can’t use any data that it has to execute a side effect to get.
> However, the fact that the main function has a monadic type IO (),
> combined with the ability to ‘chain’ monadic computations as described
> above, means that you don’t ever need to escape the IO monad; you can
> simply ‘pull’ the pure functions you need _into_ the monad instead.
> If I may make a suggestion, I would avoid using do-notation at all until
> you’re a bit more comfortable with how monadic computations work, and
> how Haskell handles IO. To someone used to imperative programming, it
> can be more confusing that helpful, as it allows you to write something
> that looks and feels a lot like imperative code but differs from it in
> crucial ways. Get comfortable with using the monadic operators >> and >>=
> directly, and only then switch back to do-notation. Or don’t—personally
> I prefer not to use do-notation at all.
> Regards,
> Seph

Damien.Mattei at unice.fr, Damien.Mattei at oca.eu, UNS / OCA / CNRS

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