[Haskell-cafe] How should I view this file? It looks like literate Haskell but isn't that file type.

Jeffrey Brown jeffbrown.the at gmail.com
Thu May 4 08:10:42 UTC 2017

I am looking at Text.Markdown. The Types.hs file[1] looks like it's got
comments that are meant to be viewed as some form other than plain text --
for instance,

    , msAddHeadingId :: Bool
      -- ^ If @True@, an @id@ attribute is added to the heading tag with
the value equal to
      -- the text with only valid CSS identifier characters.
      -- > ## Executive Summary
      -- > <h2 id="executive-summary">Executive Summary</h2>
      -- Default: @False@
      -- Since 0.1.13

I thought it might be literate Haskell, but the file ends in .hs, not .lhs.

How should I view it? Preferably in Emacs?

[1] https://github.com/snoyberg/markdown/blob/master/Text/Markdown/Types.hs

Jeff Brown | Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
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