[Haskell-cafe] best practice for lifting of IO and could lifting

Dimitri DeFigueiredo defigueiredo at ucdavis.edu
Tue Oct 27 23:25:18 UTC 2015

Here's a final pipes example then. I don't think there's a way to fix 
the problem as Oleg proposed because pipes are monad transformers by design.

The Pipe monad transformer augments the base monad with two operations:
- await: gets a result from an upstream pipe
- yield: sends a result to a downstream pipe

I have a producer (which is a pipe that can only 'yield') that produces 
the lines of the .CSV file as Strings and returns () when done:

getFileContentsLifted :: Producer String IO ()
getFileContentsLifted = withCSVLifted "data.csv" myReadFile
         myReadFile :: Handle -> Producer String IO ()
         myReadFile handle = do
                             eof <- lift $ hIsEOF handle
                             unless eof $ do
                                 str <- lift $ hGetLine handle
                                 yield str
                                 myReadFile handle

I then have a simple pipeline that reads each line and prints it twice:

lineDoubler :: Pipe String String IO ()
lineDoubler = forever $ do
             s <- await
             yield s
             yield s

main = do
     runEffect $ getFileContentsLifted >-> lineDoubler >-> stdoutLn

The problem as before is that this code does not work with the original 
version of withCSV:

withCSV :: FilePath -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
withCSV path action = do
     putStrLn "opening file"
     h <- openFile path ReadMode
     r <- action h
     hClose h
     putStrLn "file closed"
     return r

only with the lifted (i.e. generalized) one.

withCSVLifted :: MonadIO mIO => FilePath -> (Handle -> mIO r) -> mIO r
withCSVLifted path action = do
     liftIO $ putStrLn "opening file"
     h <- liftIO $ openFile path ReadMode
     r <- action h
     liftIO $ hClose h
     liftIO $ putStrLn "file closed"
     return r

And I have the same question: Should I always "generalize" my monadic 
actions that take callbacks as parameters?

I hope this version is still clear. Thanks for everyone for their input. 
I thought this was an easier problem than it now appears to be.


PS. Full code is here 

On 10/26/15 10:47 AM, Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 11:36 PM, Dimitri DeFigueiredo 
> <defigueiredo at ucdavis.edu <mailto:defigueiredo at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
>     I might have over simplified the problem by using ReaderT in my
>     example. In my original problem this role is played by the Pipes
>     library (and instead of using 'ask', I wanted to 'yield' control
>     to a downstream pipe).
> Is there a way you could introduce just enough complexity to allow 
> Oleg another stab?
> Also, there's always the fallback of showing your Pipes-based code 
> although that library doesn't enjoy universal familiarity.
> -- Kim-Ee

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