[Haskell-cafe] AMP - how do you motivate this in teaching?

Manuel Gómez targen at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 01:30:47 UTC 2015

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Johannes Waldmann
<johannes.waldmann at htwk-leipzig.de> wrote:
> Now, I don't want to bring on another general discussion of AMP -

That’s a curious way to frame your e-mail if this indeed is not your
intent, but alright.

> instead I'd like to hear from people who use monads
> in teaching (e.g., to define semantic domains)
> about how they sell "Applicative m =>"  to their students.

I have almost always taught monads as if Applicative was a superclass of
Monad.  The strategy with which I’ve had most success is to begin
describing functors as a general notion of typed computational
contexts that are polymorphic in the type of the value produced by the
computation, and that may have effects in the context of the
computation that go beyond merely computing a value.  The word
«effect» is sadly suggestive of IO, and perhaps using terms like
«semantic domain» instead of «computational context» and «effect» may
be more universal, but it turns out to be effective.  I avoid using IO
as an example of a functor until the very end of the lessons on the
topic of monads in an attempt to counter that unfortunate suggestion
of imperative interpretation; I also avoid mentioning «return» until
the very end.

After explaining Functors with examples on Identity, Maybe, Either,
Reader and lists, we move on to the notion of an Applicative with the
same examples, and finally the notion of a Monad with the same
examples.  The three classes are distinguished by their expanding
APIs, and it’s helpful, if you have enough time for the lesson, to
show types that are Functor but not Applicative (e.g. «(,) e»).  I
haven’t found a helpful example of an Applicative that is not a Monad
that is practical for a lesson.

After that, I present interesting terms to specify complex computation
using «fmap», «<$>», «<*>», «pure» and «>>=»/«=<<», and finally, I
introduce do notation as a nice way of writing chained monadic
computations, usually with examples based on «Data.Map.lookup».
Finally, I mention «return» exists as an alias of «pure» (even though
it really is part of the class — I wish that it wasn’t and it’s hard
to explain why it’s even there in the first place) and caution against
using it as the imperative pun may mislead their intuition (my Haskell
students are in their third year of the CS program, and they’ve done a
lot of imperative programming by then).

We usually cover IO in a later, separate session.  A couple other
times we’ve tried doing IO first and the Functor/Applicative/Monad
hierarchy later, but students seemed to end up more confused with that
strategy (anecdotically, of course).

> (The intersection of AMPers and teachers is non-empty?)

I used to have to explain the superclass should have been there but
wasn’t for historical reasons, and that led to some time being wasted,
and some extra, unnecessary confusion.  That’s fixed now, and that
particularly difficult lesson is now a bit less confusing.  I’m very
happy that this was finally fixed, and not having to explain that
awful old situation frees up some time so I can present more examples
of monad instances and monadic computations, and explain them in
greater depth.

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