[Haskell-cafe] Typed label

Konstantine Rybnikov k-bx at k-bx.com
Wed Feb 25 13:21:36 UTC 2015

Hi Nickolay!

Yes, this looks like exactly what I was looking for to continue playing.

Thank you!

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Nickolay Kudasov <
nickolay.kudasov at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> You can use -XPolyKinds two have GHC figure out the kinds for you. Your
> code compiles with that extra option.
> Is that what you were looking for?
> Nick
> 2015-02-25 16:12 GMT+03:00 Konstantine Rybnikov <k-bx at k-bx.com>:
>> Hi!
>> I have a problem that seems very basic and fundamental, but at the same
>> time I keep somehow skipping "the right way" to solve it. So I decided to
>> give a try and describe it here.
>> The task itself is very common. You have some data, which has some
>> property inside of it. Often, you want to write a function that works only
>> on an object with specific property being equal to something, but you can't
>> move it out to type-parameter, because then you get all sorts of problems
>> like you can't use regular lists/vectors anymore and other similar things.
>> Let's take a look at real-world example to get a better understanding of
>> a problem:
>> Given a `Vegetable` type with a type that describes it's "type" (saying
>> which concretely veg is it), you need to write a function `embraceOnion`,
>> which would only work on onions (because it doesn't make sense to embrace
>> any other veg).
>> https://gist.github.com/k-bx/32b3f6a770ad81330f51
>> ```
>> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds      #-}
>> {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
>> module Main where
>> main :: IO ()
>> main = putStrLn "Hi!"
>> data Vegetable = Vegetable { vegName :: String
>>                            , vetType :: VegType }
>>     deriving (Show, Eq)
>> data VegType = Potato
>>              | Tomato
>>              | Cucumber
>>              | Onion
>>     deriving (Show, Eq)
>> newtype TypedVegetable (t::VegType) = TypedVegetable Vegetable
>> unType :: TypedVegetable (t::VegType) -> Vegetable
>> unType (TypedVegetable v) = v
>> -- | bad
>> embraceOnion :: Vegetable -> IO ()
>> embraceOnion veg = putStrLn ("Yay for onion! It's name is: " ++ vegName
>> veg)
>> -- | good, but little ugly because of boilerplate
>> embraceOnion2 :: TypedVegetable Onion -> IO ()
>> embraceOnion2 onion = putStrLn ("Yay for onion! It's name is: " ++
>> vegName (unType onion))
>> -- | doesn't work, need to specify kind of `t`
>> newtype TypedLabel1 t a = TypedLabel1 a
>> unTyped1 :: TypedLabel1 t a -> a
>> unTyped1 (TypedLabel1 a) = a
>> embraceOnion3 :: TypedLabel1 Onion Vegetable -> IO ()
>> embraceOnion3 = undefined
>> ```
>> Currently, I'm sticking to solution `embraceOnion2` in my code.
>> `embraceOnion3` doesn't work because of:
>> ```
>> /Users/kb/workspace/typelabels/typelabels.hs
>> The first argument of ‘Main.TypedLabel1’ should have kind ‘*’,
>>   but ‘Main.Onion’ has kind ‘Main.VegType’
>> In the type signature for ‘Main.embraceOnion3’:
>>   Main.embraceOnion3 :: Main.TypedLabel1 Main.Onion Main.Vegetable
>>                         -> GHC.Types.IO ()
>> ```
>> What are the other options and "state of the art"?
>> Thank you!
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