[Haskell-cafe] looking for alex+happy examples that uses location annotated tokens and location information in err msgs

Ömer Sinan Ağacan omeragacan at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 19:18:24 UTC 2014

Okay guys, I finally did it and it turned out that Happy is actually
very easy to use .. only problem is that IMO documentation is not
great(or maybe I didn't pay enough attention reading it .. reading
docs is boring). Anyway, here's a short explanation(link for code is
also below):

Let's say you already wrote the lexer that returns `[TokPos]` where

  data Token = ... your tokens ...
  type TokPos = (Token, AlexPosn)

(AlexPosn contains location information)

and after telling Happy your token types, all you need to do is to
declare how tokens used in left-hand side of productions are matched
against tokens. Let's say I have this tokens:

  data Token = A String | B Int | C

I'll need to add this token declarations in Happy file:

    a   { (A $$, _) }
    b   { (B $$, _) }
    c   { (C, _) }

notice how I'm using ordinary pattern syntax. I didn't know this part
before. After that I can use a, b and c in left-hand side parts of
productions, like:

  Exp : a b { SomeConstructor $1 $2 }
      | c   { SomeOtherConstructor }

and that's it. I hope that helps somebody.

Working code:
* Lexer(Alex): https://github.com/osa1/minCaml.hs/blob/master/src/Lexer.x
* Parser(Happy): https://github.com/osa1/minCaml.hs/blob/master/src/Parser.y

Ömer Sinan Ağacan

2014-03-09 18:45 GMT+02:00 Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan at gmail.com>:
> Ha! I finally managed to use any kinds of tokens in Happy parsers ...
> Will post the code soon.
> ---
> Ömer Sinan Ağacan
> http://osa1.net
> 2014-03-09 13:44 GMT+02:00 Mateusz Kowalczyk <fuuzetsu at fuuzetsu.co.uk>:
>> On 09/03/14 11:15, Ömer Sinan Ağacan wrote:
>>> I think GHC uses alex+happy in very different way than explained in
>>> the docs.. For example it doesn't use "posn", "monadUserState" etc.
>>> wrappers as explained in alex documentations. I also can't figure out
>>> how does it keep track of token locations.. I guess It's just too
>>> complicated for me to understand without spending several hours.
>>> ---
>>> Ömer Sinan Ağacan
>>> http://osa1.net
>> It doesn't use the wrappers provided, it instead uses its own data
>> structures to do what the wrappers let you do and more. You can look for
>> the data types defined in those modules to try and shed some light on
>> how it's all done. I did mention it's not the most lightweight example ;)
>> --
>> Mateusz K.

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