[Haskell-cafe] Streaming bytes and performance

Konstantin Litvinenko to.darkangel at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 22:27:09 CET 2013

On 03/19/2013 10:49 PM, Konstantin Litvinenko wrote:
> {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
> import Control.Monad.State.Strict
> data S6 = S6 !Int !Int
> main_6 = do
>      let r = evalState go (S6 10000 0)
>      print r
>    where
>      go = do
>          (S6 i a) <- get
>          if (i == 0) then return a else (put (S6 (i - 1) (a + i))) >> go
> main_7 = do
>      let r = go (S6 10000 0)
>      print r
>    where
>      go (S6 i a)
>          | i == 0 = a
>          | otherwise = go $ S6 (i - 1) (a + i)
> main = main_6
> main_6 doing constant allocations while main_7 run in constant space.
> Can you suggest something that improve situation? I don't want to
> manually unfold all my code that I want to be fast :(.

Correction - they both run in constant space, that's not a problem. The 
problem is main_6 doing constant allocation/destroying and main_7 doesn't.

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