[Haskell-cafe] "translating" recursively defined sequence

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Mar 5 06:36:46 CET 2013

I suppose it depends on your definition of straightforward but you can use
the iterate function from Data.List to quickly define sequences like this.

a = iterate (\x -> (1/5) * (x**2)) 10

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Christopher Howard <
christopher.howard at frigidcode.com> wrote:

> Hi. My Haskell is (sadly) getting a bit rusty. I was wondering what
> would be the most straightforward and easily followed "procedure" for
> translating a recursively defined sequence into a Haskell function. For
> example, this one from a homework assignment.
> quote:
> --------
> a_1 = 10
> a_(k+1) = (1/5) * (a_k)**2
> --------
> (The underscore is meant to represent subscripting what follows it.)
> --
> frigidcode.com
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