[Haskell-cafe] [Snap] Argument Substitution in Heist Templates with Splices

MightyByte mightybyte at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 18:03:26 CEST 2012

This is one of the more subtle corner cases of Heist.  My default, splices
are recursively processed.  So when testSplice is executed for the <test>
tag, the results are fed back into splice processing.  I think this is the
right thing to do because it makes behavior less sensitive to evaluation
order.  Obviously this can lead to infinite recursion, so Heist limits the
splice call stack to a depth of 50.  If this limit is exceeded, then Heist
simply stops recursing and returns the nodes unprocessed.  I also think
this is the right thing to do because it is happening as we're serving a
page to the end user, so there's an argument for failing quietly instead of
going up in a ball of flames.

In your case, you are returning the same node that was spliced in, so you
are hitting the recursion limit and splice processing just stops.  I
discuss this issue in my blog post about splice subtleties (
http://softwaresimply.blogspot.com/2011/04/splice-subtleties.html).  Since
you're writing a filter splice, you need to call stopRecursion.  But if you
do that, then the child <arg /> tag won't be processed.  So what you need
to do is use the runChildren function to process the child nodes, then
return them in whatever your constructed node is.

I think the easiest solution to your problem is to not write it as a filter
splice.  Bind your testSplice function to the <mytest> tag and return a
<test> tag.  This avoids the infinite recursion and will work the way you
want without needing stopRecursion.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Sebastian Fischer <mail at sebfisch.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> the following program demonstrates that arguments in Heist templates
> are sometimes not substituted in presence of splices:
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as BS
> import           Data.Functor             ((<$>))
> import           Data.Maybe               (fromJust)
> import           Text.Templating.Heist
> -- just return input node unchanged
> testSplice :: Splice IO
> testSplice = (:[]) <$> getParamNode
> main = do
>     writeFile "test.tpl" "<arg /><test attr='${arg}'><arg /></test>"
>     state <- either error id <$> loadTemplates "." defaultHeistState
>     (builder,_) <- fromJust <$> renderWithArgs [("arg","42")] state "test"
>     BS.putStrLn $ toByteString builder
>     -- 42<test attr='42'>42</test>
>     let state' = bindSplices [("test",testSplice)] state
>     (builder',_) <- fromJust <$> renderWithArgs [("arg","42")] state'
> "test"
>     BS.putStrLn $ toByteString builder'
>     -- 42<test attr='42'><arg></arg></test>
> Without using splices, all occurrences of 'arg' in the template are
> substituted. When using a splice, 'arg' is not substituted underneath
> the input node of the splice. It is substituted in an attribute of the
> input node.
> Is this intentional? How can I ensure substitution also underneath the
> input node?
> Best,
> Sebastian
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