[Haskell-cafe] Either Monad and Laziness

Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at me.com
Tue Sep 18 13:22:35 CEST 2012

On 12 Sep 2012, at 16:04, Eric Velten de Melo wrote:

>>>> The behaviour I want to achieve is like this: I want the program when
>>>> compiled to read from a file, parsing the PGM and at the same time
>>>> apply transformations to the entries as they are read and write them
>>>> back to another PGM file.
>>> Such problems are the main motivation for iteratees, conduits, pipes,
>>> etc. Every such library contains procedures for doing exactly what you
>>> want.
> It would be really awesome, though, if it were possible to use a
> parser written in Parsec with this, in the spirit of avoiding code
> rewriting and enhancing expressivity and abstraction.

The polyparse library on Hackage is another parser combinator framework that allows lazy incremental parsing.

A PDF paper/tutorial is here:


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