[Haskell-cafe] LGPL and Haskell (Was: Re: ANNOUNCE: tie-knot library)

Colin Adams colinpauladams at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 09:14:05 CET 2012

On 13 December 2012 08:09, Michael Snoyman <michael at snoyman.com> wrote:

> To take this out of the academic realm and into the real-life realm: I've
> actually done projects for companies which have corporate policies
> disallowing the usage of any copyleft licenses in their toolset. My use
> case was a web application, which would not have been affected by a GPL
> library usage since we were not distributing binaries. Nonetheless, those
> clients would not have allowed usage of any such libraries. You can argue
> whether or not this is a good decision on their part, but I don't think the
> companies I interacted with were unique in this regard.
> So anyone who's considering selling Haskell-based services to companies
> could very well be in a situation where any (L)GPL libraries are
> non-starters, regardless of actual legal concerns.

Presumably you are talking about companies who want to distribute programs
(a very small minority of companies, I would think)?
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