[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Selenium WebDriver client for Haskell

Adam Curtis acurtis at spsu.edu
Wed Apr 11 00:26:57 CEST 2012

The first release of the webdriver package has been uploaded to Hackage.

Selenium is a test suite that allows you to automate web browsers on a
variety of platforms. The webdriver package acts as a client library that
speaks Selenium's WebDriver protocol, using a simple monadic interface. This
alpha release has received a month of testing through my own usage, and has
most of the capabilities of the official Selenium clients, with more to

Future plans include utilizing the http-conduit and attoparsec-conduit
packages for memory efficient JSON parsing, and using the reflection package
to safely handle multiple versions of the WebDriver protocol through
implicit configurations.

For more information, see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/webdriver

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