[Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenCL package

Luis Cabellos cabellos at ifca.unican.es
Tue Oct 4 09:54:25 CEST 2011

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Jason Dagit <dagitj at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 3:56 AM, Luis Cabellos <cabellos at ifca.unican.es>
> wrote:Your bindings are a higher quality than the the OpenCLRaw bindings and
> you're doing good technical work, but I stopped using your bindings
> for a couple reasons:
>  * The main reason is that I'm not comfortable with the license
> you're using.  The original code by Jeff Heard was BSD3 with an
> additional copyright notice.  Your code is AGPL3.  The GPL is known to
> cause problems with Haskell code due to cross module inlining.  I
> don't know how the "A" in AGPL changes things.

I understand your point. I didn't know the problems with cross module
inlining that Haskell suffers. I learned the BSD3, I think is a good  and
I'll change it on github and I'll put in the next release.

>  * Some of the exposed function names have been changed from the
> original name in the OpenCL specification.  This is the same thing
> that was done with the OpenGL bindings and it is very confusing for
> people who come to the Haskell bindings from the official
> documentation.  I realize that some of the API functions require some
> bit of name mangling, but I think the current way is not the right
> way.  For example with this function:
> http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.0/docs/man/xhtml/clGetDeviceInfo.html

I use the pattern get[Type]Info -> to get[Type][specificInfo] where
specificInfo is the OpenCL name of an enumerate. I don't know if your
proposal, I open a ticket on github to think about.

> We could have a different version of the function for each return
> type, clGetDeviceInfo_FPConfig, clGetDeviceInfo_AddressBits, etc.
> It's a great naming convention but it has the property that someone
> searching the bindings or the bindings' haddocks for clGetDeviceInfo
> will find those functions.  I think this is better than naming it
> clGetDeviceExtensions, which is not in the OpenCL specification.
> I'd still be willing to test the changes you have, I just don't want
> to contribute to your bindings due to the license.  I currently
> thinking of starting my own bindings (Jeff's bindings contain too many
> small bugs and if I'm going to change most lines of code then I might
> as well start from scratch so that it can have a standard BSD3
> license).
> Jason
I'll change the License to BSD3, Please, keep testing the code and merge
back your changes.  I thank for your help.

Thanks for the feedback.
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