[Haskell-cafe] Interpreter with Cont

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Mon Nov 21 09:44:16 CET 2011

Tim Baumgartner wrote:
> Thanks a lot! Althaugh I have some understanding of the Haskell basics and
> the most important monads, I feel that I have to see more well designed
> code in order to become a good Haskeller. Can somebody make suggestions
> what materials are best to work through in order to achieve this? Are there
> easy research papers about Haskell programming? Or should I try the
> Monad.Reader? I'm looking for topics that either can be used directly in
> many situations or that show some functional principles that boost my
> creativity and functional thinking.

You may want to start with the Functional Pearls


In particular, I recommend

   * Richard Bird. A program to solve Sudoku.
   * Graham Hutton. The countdown problem.
   * Martin Erwig and Steve Kollmansberger.
     Probabilistic functional programming in Haskell.
   * Conor McBride and Ross Paterson.
     Applicative Programming with Effects.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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