[Haskell-cafe] How to speedup generically parsing sum types?

Twan van Laarhoven twanvl at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 17:38:56 CET 2011

On 03/11/11 11:16, Bas van Dijk wrote:
> ...
> instance (Constructor c, GFromJSON a, ConsFromJSON a) => GFromSum (C1 c a) where
>      gParseSum (key, value)
>          | key == pack (conName (undefined :: t c a p)) =
>              gParseJSON value
>          | otherwise = notFound $ unpack key
>      {-# INLINE gParseSum #-}
> notFound :: String ->  Parser a
> notFound key = fail $ "The key \"" ++ key ++ "\" was not found"
> {-# INLINE notFound #-}

Perhaps relying on Attoparsec backtracking for picking out the right 
alternative from the sum is the problem. You could try it with Maybe:

class GFromSum f where
     gParseSum :: Pair -> Maybe (Parser (f a))

instance (Constructor c, GFromJSON a, ConsFromJSON a)
         => GFromSum (C1 c a) where
     gParseSum (key, value)
         | key == pack (conName (undefined :: t c a p))
                     = Just (gParseJSON value)
         | otherwise = Nothing

instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) => GFromSum (a :+: b) where
     gParseSum keyVal = (fmap L1 <$> gParseSum keyVal)
                    <|> (fmap R1 <$> gParseSum keyVal)
     {-# INLINE gParseSum #-}

instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) => GFromJSON (a :+: b) where
     gParseJSON (Object (M.toList -> [keyVal]))
         | Just p <- gParseSum keyVal -> p
     gParseJSON v = typeMismatch "sum (:+:)" v


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