[Haskell-cafe] Hackage feature request: E-mail author when a package breaks

Nick Bowler nbowler at elliptictech.com
Tue Nov 1 13:24:50 CET 2011

On 2011-11-01 12:59 +0100, Daniel Díaz Casanueva wrote:
> How about to a new optional Cabal field like "mail-report"? (don't bother
> about this name, I chose it randomly)
> If a build failure happens, or there is some relevant information about
> your package, Hackage will send a mail to the direction specified in that
> field. A field which content will NOT appear in the package page, so
> internet bots can't record so easily your mail direction to send you real
> spam. This is the reason because I write my direction in the "name at
> domine dot com" form (since a while ago), in spite of I would really like
> to receive mails about fails in those packages I maintain.
> Furthermore, since the field would be optional, you still can avoid to
> receive these mails.

Doing anything like this in the .cabal file is a mistake, since there is
no way to change it after uploading.

If your mail address changes, or if you don't want to maintain a package
any more, or if you simply change your mind about receiving status
updates by email, then if this gets hardcoded in the .cabal file you
have no recourse.

Nick Bowler, Elliptic Technologies (http://www.elliptictech.com/)

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