[Haskell-cafe] Re: TryHaskell in the classroom!

Benjamin L. Russell DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Fri Sep 3 20:11:37 EDT 2010

Glad to hear about your positive experience with Try Haskell (see

I have also enjoyed using Try Haskell.  It would be wonderful if it
could be expanded with more content.  Many thanks to the developers for
their efforts!

-- Benjamin L. Russell

Fritz Ruehr <fruehr at willamette.edu> writes:

> I just wanted to send out a more public "Thanks!" to Chris Done for
> the tryhaskell.org website and to everyone else
> (including Chris) who was on the #haskell channel of IRC this
> afternoon when I "tried haskell", along with the chat feature,
> during my introductory functional programming class.
> And I want to recommend the use of tryhaskell and its tutorial to
> anyone else teaching Haskell in the classroom:
> it makes for an an especially friendly and approachable introduction
> to the language for students like mine,
> some of whom are seeing programming for the first time. I'll be using
> Hugs and GHC(i) for the day-to-day work
> through the semester, but I imagine my students will be showing their
> friends tryhaskell and poking around in it
> at odd moments from the local cafe.
> I had just begun my second lecture with a little introduction to the
> Haskell community and how friendly it was, etc.,
> when I realized the opportunity that the chat feature
> represented. Sure enough, #haskellers came through for me
> with some fun & friendly interaction as the class and I bounced back
> and forth between the tutorial and their comments.
> It was very gratifying to have my abstract proposition about the
> character of the community backed up by a concrete
> existential witness, live in the classroom :) .
> Thanks again to Chris, Gwern Branwen, _why (of TryRuby) and everyone
> else for their efforts and interactions.
>   --  Fritz Ruehr

Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
"Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." -- Matsuo Basho^ 

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