[Haskell-cafe] Re: What do _you_ want to see in FGL?

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed May 12 05:40:18 EDT 2010

Henning Thielemann wrote:
> Ivan Miljenovic wrote:
>> You're splitting apart related data into _three_ different data
>> structures (the graph, vertex labels and edge labels)?  _That_ doesn't
>> make sense.
> There are no edge labels, only vertex labels. And yes, I find separation
> of data structures for separation of concerns a good strategy.

It appears to me that the concerns of labels and vertexes are not
separate enough. After all, the point is that they have to be kept in
sync. Keeping them in sync should be the business of the graph library,
not of the user. It doesn't have to be baked into the graph type,
though,  an abstract  Node  type might work as well.

Heinrich Apfelmus


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