[Haskell-cafe] Parsers (Parsec and Iteratee-based Parsers)

Pasqualino "Titto" Assini tittoassini at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 06:43:06 EST 2010

The frisby parser (http://repetae.net/computer/frisby/) that
unfortunately is not well known as it has never been uploaded on
hackage also supports lazy parsing.


2010/1/12 Malcolm Wallace <Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk>:
>> As I said I've been using Parsec quite a lot, but wonder if there is a
>> different approach possible/feasible to parsing. Parsec (2x) isn't an
>> "online" parser, ie, it doesn't produce a result before the whole parse is
>> completed.
>> There is AFAIK one alternative, the uulib,
> In addition, the polyparse library provides "online", or lazy, parsing.  Its
> interface is somewhat similar to parsec, perhaps even simpler.  (Actually,
> you can freely mix lazy and strict parsing - laziness is provided by
> applicative combinators, strictness by monadic combinators.)  I have not yet
> looked into whether it would be possible to link polyparse to iteratees.
> Regards,
>    Malcolm
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Pasqualino "Titto" Assini, Ph.D.

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